Catalogue-Brochure Translation

It is a translation service offered by our experienced and competent translators who are expert in their fields for your commercial and technical documents, instructions for use, catalogues and brochures.
By scanning the original pages or using original PDF forms sent by you, we can translate the books, catalogues and brochures and place the pictures, shapes, tables etc. and submit the translated documents to you in word of PDF formats.
If you plan to print the books, catalogues or brochures after their translation to target languages, we can offer additional service for page layout and graphical works.
Expert Translators and Terminologies:
Our translators are duly selected and tested in order to offer qualified translation and editing services for the projects.
All our translators have translation memories, dictionaries and terminologies and all the translation works even in huge projects are correct and consistent.
We can form a team for your large and urgent projects which require fast delivery.
Project Managers are competent in project planning and quality control areas.
Please visit our webpage to get detailed information about our consultancy services...

Eurasia Translation
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