Online Translation

Online Translation System provides saving of time, when you apply for translation via e-mail, our customer representative informs you about the translation work and its price via e-mail again. When you transfer the relevant amount to our designated accounts, your translation work will be put in process. When your translation work is approved, your business registration number is created. You can learn this registration number from your customer representative and follow the current status of your translation work. When your translation work is completed, you can receive your translation via e-mail.
NOTE: Pricing is made based on target language but not on source language and 1 page is considered as 1.000 characters (spaceless). Word counting is made from relevant word count menu in Microsoft Word Office software.
When you send the documents to be translated to "" e-mail address, we can send you our best price quotation for your translation work.
Please visit our webpage to get detailed information about our consultancy services...

Eurasia Translation
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